Hard Conversations Made Easier in 4 Steps
How can you have hard conversations in the best possible way?
In the two decades of communication experience at Rhudy & Co., we’ve consulted companies, leaders and managers through some really tough times that required hard conversations. What we’ve learned is that you can have a good hard conversation.
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What Happened When a Black Woman Took Over My Social Media & What Dr. Hollee Freeman Taught Me
History may tell tales of 2020 as the year humanity broke. Yet, that would not be the full story. As painful as some of it has been – in fact, acutely painful for many – it has also been a year of healing.
Like most decent people living inside the system of white privilege, recent years have shown me the truth of racism, and it has broken my heart. I thought I knew at least a few things about systemic racism yet had to face the fact that I actually knew nothing at all. This awareness was shameful and painful and raw. I wanted to hide from it. And then, as God tends to do for me, He sent me a teacher, this time in Dr. Hollee Freeman.
Hollee, a fellow Richmonder, and I were randomly paired for a social media experiment called Mic Share RVA, imagined by Amanda Moore of Humans for Good. For this experiment, Black women posted on their white teammates’ social media accounts for a week to build awareness of their choosing to the white teammates’ audience. Here’s a little of what I learned.
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Working from Home While Schooling at Home during COVID-19
What began as a short break from in-person school in March due to COVID-19 has evolved into months of children at home for most American families. The implications have quietly been unfolding in households and workplaces, but should not be ignored by organizations wanting strong, diverse and engaged workforces.
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